Bachelor of Fine 艺术 in Ceramics

探索一个无与伦比的可访问性组合, affordability, collaboration, diversity, professional preparation, technology, 最重要的是,有机会进行创造性的探索和成长 Bachelor of Fine 艺术 in Ceramics at the Tyler School of Art 和 Architecture at Temple University.

126学时的陶瓷BFA课程探索了该学科的多种形式,并培养了对工艺的不同观点, including the use of digital technologies. It encourages community-based collaboration, 跨学科的探索和混合工作的发展. 由于材料和工艺的复杂性, the curriculum incorporates aspects of chemistry, technology, 和 kiln 和 furnace design 和 construction. Students learn product design 和 production, studio management, 和 gallery installation, 以及批判性思维和解决问题的可转移技能,帮助他们在任何艺术学科或职业中取得成功, including as educators, gallery operators, architectural designers, curators 和 more. 学生也有机会在费城网络广泛的粘土社区实习. 

Led by a faculty of practicing artists, Ceramics majors work in a close-knit environment, side-by-side with graduate students, 当他们探索传统的和实验性的粘土技术. 该项目利用了费城城市景观的能源和资源, 这座城市有着悠久的粘土文化和充满活力的视觉艺术场景, 建立社区伙伴关系,带来更广泛的, inclusive perspectives, conversations 和 exchanges of ideas. 

In partnership with Temple University’s Fox School of Business, 泰勒为想要学习创业技能的学生提供创业研究的BFA课程, 从创新思维到如何创业, as part of their art education. 项目课程是跨学科的艺术融合, art history, business, entrepreneurship 和 other courses, as well as open electives. 博鳌亚洲论坛创业研究课程为学生提供了在他们选择的工作室学科中成功成为企业家所需的技能,并为在他们的工作室学科中进行研究生学习做了必要的准备, 毕业后从事创业或相关职业. 

An image of a student working on a project

Classes & Curriculum  

陶艺专业课程旨在通过实践课程为未来的艺术家提供良好的准备, theoretical concepts 和 approaches, 和 technical skills. 博鳌亚洲论坛基础课程和入门课程培养学生对基本过程的透彻理解. 高级课程强调个人习语的发展和为专业世界做准备. 学生发现审美自由,鼓励个人实验和探索视觉概念. 学生可以选修以下几门课程.

  • Advanced Ceramics 

  • Advanced Throwing 和 Wheelwork 

  • Beginning Ceramics 

  • Ceramic Materials 

  • Ceramic Mold Making 

  • Ceramic Woodshop 

  • Intermediate Ceramics 

  • Porcelain 

  • Professional Practices in Crafts 

  • Two-Dimensional Ceramics 

Learn more about courses in this program. 


Related Graduate Degrees   

Related Graduate Certificates  

Tuition & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 美术学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和 more. You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


Pennsylvania resident: $25,848.00 per year
Out-of-state: $43,032.00 per year

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